Hire Pickup for Home Furniture Transport
Furniture pickup transport to any location in Nairobi estates or to any other county in Kenya. Pick up to transport home house furniture, sofa set, two-seater sofa, three-seater sofa, five-seater sofa, seven-seater sofa set, couch, bed, mattress, tv stand, cupboard, coffee table, special pickup transport for glass table, mirrors, chest drawers, desks, park benches, wardrobe, armchair, outdoor table, fridge, dining table, chairs, plastic chairs, utensils, washing machine, water dispenser, microwave, freezer, dressing table, marble table.boxes.
Office Furniture Pickup Transport
Pickup hire to transport office furniture, office desk, computer desk, office chair, chair desk, counter desk, reception desk, lockers, benches, big pickup to transport boardroom table, shelves, security safe, cabinet, book shelves, IT equipment, step ladder.
School furniture pick up to transport wood or metallic, lockers, tables, benches, shelves, school desks, white board.
Pickup transport for business furniture, solar panels, solar backup batteries, specialized transport for glass panes, generator.
Hire Pickup to transport Church equipment, Keyboard, Speakers, chairs, amplifiers, closed pick up to carry electrical and electronic equipment.
Contact Nairobi Dispatch Trans Limited for hire pickup. We are registered transporter or transport company with required Kenya government KRA compliant eTIMS invoice in Nairobi.